Vula Amehlo Trust

About Vula Amehlo Trust

Vula Amehlo is a small charitable Trust registered with the UK Charity Commission (Number 1098877). It was established in Nottingham (UK) in April of 2003. It was set up to support projects (rather than individuals) working in the countries of Southern Africa in keeping with the objects below. (Currently, we have limited resources and are unable to accept requests for help from new bodies/projects.)
In recent years, the Trust has supported three projects in Eswatini (formerly Swaziland): the work of Pasture Valley Children's Home in Nhlangano, Good Shepherd Hospital Eye Clinic (led by Dr. Jono Pons) in Siteki and Ebenezer Rural Clinic. Initially, our main efforts were concentrated on helping to fund the cost of cataract operations (and equipment) to restore sight for people in Eswatini - transforming them from total dependence to independence. We have continued to support the eye surgery service but have expanded to assist with the other two projects over the last several years.

Dr. Pons retired from Good Shepherd in 2022 after many years of service but has now set up a new organisation offering an impressive range of medical services (including ophthalmology) to the neglected and vulnerable: Medical Mission Eswatini and Grace Vision. The Trust plans to continue  to support the work of Dr. Pons, through the new organisation. click the link below to see all that Medical Mission Eswatini and Grace Vision are doing. The link opens in a new page.

Medical Mission Eswatini and Grace Vision
The Trust remains small with an income of only a few thousand pounds per year but has been able to make small but significant contributions to the work of the three projects. None of the Trustees claims any expenses from the Trust, there are no paid staff and no premises to be paid for. 0ur only costs are bank fees (mainly for international transfers) and registration fees for our website.
Donated equipment arrives in Eswatini with Dr Pons
Dr. Jono Pons receiving donated eye surgery equipment shipped to Eswatini from the UK 
We welcome donations to support any of our current projects. Please see our Support Us page for ways to donate. In the past, the Trust has also supported work with orphans and vulnerable children in Hawane, Eswatini and a women's co-operative for people infected or affected by HIV in Ingwavuma, South Africa.

The Name

Vula Amehlo means “Open your eyes” in Zulu and Siswati (where it is Vula Emehlo). These are two of the main languages in the areas we support. It is chosen to literally signify the work with blindness and eye problems but also metaphorically to suggest an awakening or ”eye-opening” to new situations/opportunities.

Our Charitable Objects

  • To support, advance and promote the prevention and relief of suffering caused by blindness or eye disorders in Swaziland (Now Eswatini).
  • To provide support to projects and organisations working in Southern Africa to alleviate suffering and poverty of individuals with HIV/AIDS, their families or their remaining dependants following their death.
  • To advance and promote the provision of education, medical care and services or the relief of poverty, sickness or distress among the peoples of Southern Africa.

Vula Amehlo Trust

Registered Charity Number: 1098877

Postal Address:

32 Woodacre
Portishead, BRISTOL
BS20 7BT

Contact Us:

+44 (0) 1275 840245

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