Vula Amehlo Trust

Ebenezer Clinic

Rural Clinic in Lebombo Region of Eswatini

Our latest project is to support an isolated rural clinic in the Lebombo Region of Swaziland: Ebenezer Clinic. One of our Trustees, a retired doctor, visited the clinic on a personal trip to Swaziland in 2018. He was impressed with the level of care and commitment of the staff. Vula Amehlo Trustees have agreed to help with fundraising for much-needed refurbishment and upgrading of this essential clinic service. In the last two or three years, we have sent several thousand pounds to Eswatini for clinic refurbishment and medical equipment purchase. The clinic has been adopted as their overseas charity of the year by Gordano Breakfast Rotary Club in Portishead for the past few years. We are very grateful for their support.

Ebenezer Clinic is now assisted and supported by Medical Mission Eswatini, a new organisation offering an impressive range of medical services to the neglected and vulnerable in Eswatini. Click the link below for details of this new organisation (opens in new tab or page):

Medical Mission EswatiniClick to read the latest Ebenezer Newsletter
You can see a short video of the work of the clinic below:
We welcome all donations of any amount no matter how small or large. Even a few pounds can make huge difference!

Vula Amehlo Trust

Registered Charity Number: 1098877

Postal Address:

32 Woodacre
Portishead, BRISTOL
BS20 7BT

Contact Us:

+44 (0) 1275 840245

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